About Funkin' 80's

We are a friendly community with a vision of becoming the premier 80's retreat. We are dedicated to keeping the memory of the greatest decade in history alive and well. During this period we saw the most monumental change in music and movies we are likely to ever see. We saw the evolution of rap which is by far the most listened to music by teens today. An enormous leap forward in special effects and computer generation made the Sci-Fi genre of movies the big takers at the box office. It was also the most memorable time for political rest and advancement in global relations forging the way for new friendships. It was a time of it's own, a time when kids created there own fun, people ate together as family and there always seemed to be time to meet with friends for a barbie and a beer. How things have changed!
If you feel the same why not join our forum and reminisce about the good old 80's. It's a bit of fun mixed in with discussion on what your life was like through this time line. We have an extensive range of boards for you to browse and i'm sure you will find something of interest on our forum. I hope to see you there! :)

Funkin' 80's Sitemap©Funkin 80s 2008