Welcome To Funkin' 80's
Our 80's based website & forums contains varied information about the most celebrated decade in history. On this site you will find absolutely free material from animated gif's to invaluable information including our exclusive soon to be released interactive timeline of the 80's. I hope you can find something of value among our ever growing data base and enjoy your time here.

Quality Animated Gif's

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Funkin' 80's Forum

Visit our friendly 80's forum to chat, reminisce or find specific information about the 80's era. As a Funkin' 80's member you can promote upcoming dance events, school reunions, auto club events or what ever you like! Our forum has an extensive variety of boards which will cater for just about everyone. Including:
*Top 100 80's hits - A list Funkin' 80's staff created.
*Members Top 100 - A list our members can add too.
*News & Events - A board to disuss the important points of news, influential people & villians of the 80's.
*Buy Swap & Sell - Advertise any 80's item/s you want to buy, swap or sell absolutely free!

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